Monday, November 24, 2008

Showdown at the Golden Corral

This is both an appreciation and story post, so it runs a tad long.
I love the Golden Corral. For those of you who may not know or have experienced a Golden Corral in all its food-acious glory, a Golden Corral is a buffet style restaurant that specializes in fried foods, steaks, and desserts. It's relatively cheap compared to most buffets and many restaurants. Many think Golden Corrals have low quality food due to the massive amounts they prepare, but I swear the quality is Grade A. Tonight, I ventured out to my "local" corral and had a small confrontation, hence the "showdown" in the title. Henceforth is the telling of that confrontation:

I'm at the salad bar and I had just started putting lettuce into my bowl when this guy comes up to the salad station and yells at the lady behind the counter, "Hey! Hey you! we need more lettuce! can I get more lettuce!" I'm very confused because I just used the lettuce and there was tons of lettuce. So I say to the gentleman, "hey man, the lettuce is right there, and there's plenty." He looks at me, looks at the lettuce, yells something, i think, "nevermind" to the woman behind the counter. Ooooo.K. I go on, enjoy my salad, and my first plate of delicious starches, meats, and veggies. After completing the task of vanquishing all of my edibles collected on the first trek, I go up for my second plate, which as we all know, is the most important plate. Let me side-track here to explain the second plate:

The second plate theorem:
-The second plate requires a lot of thought, management, and personal integrity to complete. Chances are you've had 2, or maybe all 3, of these; Salad, soup and a single first plate which was most likely rather full with bits and pieces of the entire spread. You went up for appetizers and came back with pizza, mac and cheese and a slice of meatloaf.* Eh, it happens to the best of us.
-Now, with the second plate you get to try the things that caught your eye on the first trip but didn't grab for any number of various reasons(space, wait, freshness, ect.). But watch out! You don't have as much room and you need to save some for dessert. thus the balance.
-The balance is when you "balance" the contents of the plate with new things, old things that you want more of, and the idea that you will want to make one more trip for 2 or 3 desserts. So some sacrifice size of the portion for flavor, just to get a taste; others may only get what they know is good, thus leaving more room for it, but keep in mind: room for dessert.

Back to the story. I go up for my second plate and I'm waiting in line when I look up and it's that same guy from the salad bar. I noted it but didn't care until we get up to the steaks. I wanted this rare steak that had been taken off the grill maybe 5 minutes before. No one wanted it, everyone wanted well done. I go to ask for the rare one and the guy in front of me snags it with his fork. His own fork! You don't use your own utensils at the buffet line! So I had to wait for another steak. But just note this, the wonder of the Golden Corral, they will grill as much steak at any degree of cooked, right in front of you! AMAZING!!!
So I finish my second plate and go up for dessert. I'm pickin' through some pie, some cake, a cookie thats covered in frosting and has cake and whipped cream on top. Yeah, I domolished that. And just as I'm leaving I hear this guy, that same guy from the salad bar and at the grill, yelling at the lady behind the counter cause, guess what the were out of: a cookie thats covered in frosting and has cake and whipped cream on top! So, yeah, I owned him. Looking back I feel bad for the person working there, but if he's going to take my steak I'm going to take his cookie cake. Booya.

So yeah, Golden Corral is the shit, let it be known!

*known as the first plate theorem.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fun With Snapshots

So the new VLC Media Player fixed the snapshot bug. This is what I made just now.