Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I never thought I'd see the day...

...when Dave Neal would get an ovation of sorts for coming in off the bench. I never thought I'd see him start either but that's neither here nor there, since the terps really have no one else to put in. It is a sad state of affairs when there's no inside presence with the obvious lack of a big man, our potential 3-point sharp shooter can't hit a bucket under any pressure and our most passionate player is a big ball hog. Tonight I went to the UVA v. Maryland basketball game and observed one of the worst games ever played at the comcast center. Our zone defense was working only because the UVA players can't pass worth shit, the refs couldn't seem to get any calls right and the Maryland players couldn't get a rebound to save their lives. I'm disappointed in the team, the fans(an ACC game, versus UVA, and the stands were half full), and the coach. Gary's got one more year before I start chanting for the hook. I shouldn't really complain I guess because the Terps did win, even though through some very stupid mistakes, UVA never seemed out of it.

In other news, the Inauguration went off without a hitch. I arrived early enough to stand and wait in the streets of D.C. with 2 million of my now closest friends. I ended up getting pushed about 200 ft. closer than I ever expected to get, due mainly to some very brave souls crossing the frozen reflecting pool to try to get an even better view. After the ceremony I went to a lunch thing that Sen. Barbra Boxer was holding which was part "yaaay Obama!" and part "yaaay I'm running for re-election in 2 years, I better start campagining now." But hey a free lunch is a free lunch, plus I got to meet members of her staff as well as the Senator to whom I remarked, "I loved your scene in Curb," to which I recieved a "haha, nice to meet you" as she moved on down the line. Overall, I'd say it was a rather successful day which started off with some regret as I prepared to freeze my tail off. One note though: being forced to stand ass to elbows with completely random people allows for maximum random schmooze time as well as a way to keep warm on a bitterly cold January day.

1 comment:

Brendan said...

That's pretty awesome you got to go like that, I'm jealous...